Like many we've been keeping a keen eye on the news to see how best we can get all of our services back to 'normal' after the restrictions placed on us because of the pandemic.
There's nothing more we would like than to be welcoming crowds to our tea dances, clubs, activities and most of all being able to sit and chat face-to-face with people who might benefit most from that friendly one-to-one.
But we also need to ensure that we're keeping our staff, volunteers and people using our services as safe as possible during what is turning out to be a very uncertain time in the latest stage of the roadmap out of the pandemic.
So we are following Public Health advice and keeping on wearing masks at our groups and activities and asking people to do the same, ensuring PPE is available to keep following the Hands, Face, Space advice that has kept us mostly safe through this time.

Please don't feel offended if we insist this is what you do when you join us. It's to protect those most vulnerable in our community. Even if you've had all your jabs and feel fit as the proverbial fiddle.
We'll come through this together but for us all here at LIHH, it must be a together effort.
So please bear with us and hopefully it won't be too much longer
If you have any questions please call us on 0113 262 5614 and we'll be more than happy to answer your concerns.