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Spooktacular Samhain


We had a wonderful Samhain Tea Dance on Wednesday 30 October at the Queen's Hall, Leeds - and, as always, our community members did us proud by really getting into the spirit (get it?) of things.

Everyone enjoyed live music, dancing, tea, sandwiches, plenty of cake and a raffle while celebrating Samhain - an ancient pagan festival which signalled the end of the harvest and the beginning of the 'dark half' of the year in the Celtic world.

Celts also believed it was when the veil between the world of the living and the dead was at its thinnest, and the time when souls of people who had died during the year passed over from one side to the other. Learn more about the relationship between Samhain and Hallowe'en traditions here.

A huge thank you to our staff, LIHH and Leeds Building Society volunteers, the CHIME craft group for the Samhain-themed decorations, Christine and team for the fabulous food, Michael Coyne for providing the music, Katie Gibbons School of Irish Dancing and the Leeds University Irish Dancers - you were all amazing!

See you all next year!


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