It's that time of the year again folks.
Christmas is just around the corner and at Team LIHH we need your help.

Traditionally Christmas can be a tough time for a lot of people. Wrapped in seemingly endless cheer and merriment it's easy to forget that there are many among us who can't share that mirth and joy because they simply aren't connected to neighbours, friends and family. And that is doubly the case with concerns around both coronavirus and flu meaning a lot of people potentially feeling 'cut off' this year.
One of the highlights of the last 20 months for us here has been the distribution of the craic packs which bring a taste of home to people, together with a gift, a community newsletter, cards and well-wishes from local schools and some PPE to keep safe and sound.

It has really been a community effort with loads of Irish community groups and societies joining forces to ensure that no one was left alone during the pandemic reaching out to over 1300 people in the process.

And so we are craic-packing again this Christmas with the aim of reaching out to 600 people. This takes an enormous effort as we only have a short window to distribute the packs. So we are looking for your help and support to be able to check-in with the recipient, drop-off the pack and leave them with a smile on their faces.
Is this something you feel you might have a few spare hours to do? If so please give us a call on 0113 262 5614 and speak with Julie or Sarah. You certainly would be making someone's Christmas a whole lot better.
Go on, you know you want to.
