If you're able to and inclined this festive period, we'd love a donation towards our work at Leeds Irish Health and Homes.
Everything we raise through our Christmas Appeal will go towards our lifeline support services. So whether it's helping someone to get out more, support with form-filling or more specialist unemployment, bereavement or mental health support, we can help.
From paying for someone's game of bingo at one of our Luncheon Clubs to money towards a tablet so someone can listen to Irish radio, there are so many ways your donation can make a difference.
To give you an idea of the power of a donation to Leeds Irish Health and Homes this Christmas:
£1 could pay for someone's game of bingo at one of our Luncheon Clubs
£7.50 could pay for someone's ticket to a Tea Dance and enjoy music, dancing, a full afternoon tea and craic
£15 could allow us to get some shopping in for someone who's struggling with the rising cost of living
£25 could pay for a Craic Pack to give someone a taste of home and some winter woolies this Christmas
£50 could pay for room hire to get our new Dementia Friends Group off the ground in early 2023
£100 could go towards a tablet for an older, isolated person to connect with friends and family in Ireland or across the world
£1000 could cover the costs for our St Patrick's Lunch, paying for live music, a nutritious meal, raffle prizes and hall hire so 100+ older, isolated people can enjoy an afternoon out.
But whatever you can give, you can feel assured that it's going towards helping vulnerable people in Leeds feel cared for and connected to their community and culture.
You can find out more - and donate - here: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/leeds-irish-christmas-funding-appeal
Thank you - go raibh maith agat - from everyone at Leeds Irish Health and Homes.